Some XML DTD examples

Lots of working examples of XML and DTD are available in the internet. Let us consider a sample XML file of the format given under,

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<title>Video Title 1 </title>
<artist>Artist 1 </ artist >
< music >
<title>Video Title 2 </title>
< artist > Artist 2 </ artist >
< artist > Artist 3 </ artist >
</ music >
</ videos >

The above XML file has data related to music videos. In this XML file the root node is the <videos> and this can have any number of <music> elements. The <music> element can have a single <title> and any number of <artist> child nodes. For this structure you can write the DTD as,

<!ELEMENT videos ( music+ ) >
<!ELEMENT music ( title, artist+ ) >
<!ELEMENT title ( #PCDATA ) >
<!ELEMENT artist ( #PCDATA ) >

The ELEMENT word indicates that the word next to that is an element and the nodes of that particular element are given in the brackets. The + sign after the node in the bracket denotes that it could be any number of nodes. The #PCDATA indicates that it is a text node that has some value in it.


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