SOAP XML and its features

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a protocol that can be used for accessing the Web pages. SOAP or Simple Object Access Protocol is an XML based Object invocation Protocol.

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JAXM API: Uses of Interface javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement
PREV NEXT. FRAMES. NO FRAMES. Uses of Interface. javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement . Packages that use SOAPElement . Uses of SOAPElement in javax . xml . soap . Subinterfaces of SOAPElement in javax . xml . soap . interface. Detail

SoapElementImpl (Amber Archer 'San Jacinto' API 1.9.5)
javax . xml . soap .Node, javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement . Direct Known Subclasses extends AbstractNode. implements javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement . DOM-based implementation of the SAAJ 1.1 ( SOAP

Axis API: Uses of Interface javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement
PREV NEXT. FRAMES. NO FRAMES. Uses of Interface. javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement . Packages that use SOAPElement . Uses of SOAPElement in javax . xml . soap . Subinterfaces of SOAPElement in javax . xml . soap . interface. Detail

XML APIs: Index
Method in interface javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement . Adds an attribute with the specified name Method in interface javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement . Creates a new SOAPElement object initialized

Uses of Interface javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement (Axis API)
PREV NEXT. FRAMES. NO FRAMES. All Classes. Uses of Interface. javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement . Packages that use SOAPElement . Uses of SOAPElement in javax . xml . soap . Subinterfaces of SOAPElement in javax . xml . soap . interface. Detail



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