Processing XML documents with Java and XSLThere are many approaches to process the XML document using Java and XSL. One of the ways is to use the Xalan Java XSLT processor. To use this XSLT processor you have to download it and set the classpath to some of the jar files. The jar files that are to be included in the classpath are xalan.jar, xml-apis.jar, serializer.jar, and xercesImpl.jar. You can also work with the Xalan Java XSLT processor from the command line by calling java and the Process class. A typical command line command would be, There are many command line flags that can be used to give an appropriate output. For example if you want the output to include only the text values of the elements instead of the element names, you could use the -TEXT option. To output the HTML you can use the -HTML option. In the example given above you can find the flags -IN and -XSL are used to input the XML file you want to transform and the XSL file that is used for the transformation.
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