Is XML a database?
XML document is a collection of data. In other words it doesnt make much difference between the other files that store data. A XML in a database format is a self describing, portable, and can describe data in tree or graph structure.
microOLAP Database Designer for MySQL (Jumbo.com)
Visual development system intended for database design, modeling, creation, modification and reverse engineering.
Solution spheres and application cubes (IT World)
Today I want to talk about the relationship between the word 'solution' and the word 'application'. A relationship that I think is key to understanding a key question in the world of IT, namely: 'How come solutions built with off-the-shelf application X are invariably nearly, but not quite, complete solutions to the original problem as expressed by the customer?
Congress sets Alcatel-Lucent hearings (InfoWorld)
( InfoWorld ) - Another hurdle has cropped up for the merger of Alcatel SA and Lucent Technologies Inc. as the U.S. House Armed Services Committee has set a hearing on the national security implications of the deal. The hearing will take place next Tuesday in Washington, according to the committee's Web site. The list of witnesses has not yet been announced. Both companies said Friday
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XML and Databases
that occurs to many people: "Is XML a database ?" An XML document is a database only in the transferring data from XML to the database , a "table" can be
Open Source XML Database
is an Open Source native XML database featuring efficient, index-based XQuery processing integration with existing XML development tools. The database implements the current XQuery
XML dominates database file formats
WITH ORACLE'S annual OpenWorld conference on the horizon, database vendors are preparing for battle once again. This time around, the big three -- IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft -- are brandishing XML ... Awards :: Events. NEWS. XML dominates database file formats. By Tom Sullivan and Ed Scannell
XML Database Products
XML Database Products. Copyright 2000-2004 by Ronald Bourret. Last updated on: June 29, 2004. Table of Contents. 1.0 Introduction. 1.1 XML and Databases. 1.2 Product Categories. 1.3 Terminology. 1.4 Disclaimer pages in a telephone book, you will need an XML -enabled database that is tuned for data storage, such as a
Apache Xindice
what is more commonly referred to as a native XML database . The name is pronounced zeen-dee-chay You might be wondering what a native XML database is good for
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