Is XML a database?

XML document is a collection of data. In other words it doesn’t make much difference between the other files that store data. A XML in a database format is a self describing, portable, and can describe data in tree or graph structure.

Oracle Application Express Tutorial (Database Journal)
Follow this step-by-step tutorial to create secure web applications that run inside your database using Oracle Application Express. You'll quickly learn how to easily build secure web forms, reports and charts.

Software integrates enterprise and real-time applications. (ThomasNet)
Bridging Oracle database and SOA products with embedded systems, RTI Real-Time Connect prevents high-throughput real-time applications from overwhelming slower enterprise infrastructures. It delivers immediate real-time notification of enterprise events to real-time applications and bridges between disparate middleware and data management standards. For impedance matching between enterprise and

Software extends capabilities of data services. (ThomasNet)
Composite Information Server v4.0 supports deployment, testing, and publishing of arbitrary complex data sets using web services. XPath transformation mapping allows establishment of arbitrary complex mapping of XML Schema elements into XML output, and XML documents can be stored in SQL database. Offering transaction caching and auto DDL execution, software supports SSL over HTTP,

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About Oracle Xml Products
SELECT COUNTRY. China. Japan. Korea. PRODUCT CENTERS. TECHNOLOGY CENTERS. COMMUNITY. Using XML in Oracle Database Applications. Part 2: About Oracle XML Products. November 1999 ( Overview. Oracle XDK. Oracle9i Product Family Oracle XML Developer's Kit (XDK) provides components, utilities, and interfaces you can use to take

XML / Database Links
XML / Database Links. Copyright 2001-2004 by Oracle . The first article explains Oracle 9i's XMLType data type, which essentially implements a simple native XML database within Oracle

Oracle XML Technology Center provides extensive XML documents, tutorials, samples and XDK downloads. s= oracle ;m XML Tech Articles... XML Related Products/Components. Oracle Application Server, Oracle JDeveloper, Oracle Database , Oracle XML Developer's Kit (XDK), Oracle XML DB. XML

XML Database Products
XML Database Products. Copyright 2000-2004 by Ronald Bourret XML SQL Utility for Java, XSQL Servlet. Oracle . Development-only. Relational. x

Oracle Corporation
Oracle Corporation provides the software that powers the Internet. For more information about Oracle , please call 650/506-7000. Easy to Develop: Oracle Database 10g XML Gets Straight A's Linux. Windows. RFID. Oracle . Customer Successes. Company Information. News



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